Talent Corp SFCF Oct 2013 [Sponsored Post]

by 11/28/2013 08:35:00 PM 0 Pengkritik
Talent Corp SFCF Oct 2013

You have the talent, the skills, the expertise in what you studying but do you have the awareness on expanding your career opportunities in priority sectors under the 11 National Key Economic Areas (NKRA)?
On 12th and 13th November 2013, a joint effort between TalentCorp, Graduan, MDEC and UITM with SFCF UITM has been holding a “Sector Focused Career Fair on career opportunities in Shared Services and Outsourcing (SSO)”. So what is this fair all along?

According to Johan Mahmood Merican, CEO of TalentCorp :
“The success of our Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) depends on having the right quantity and quality of talent, to support Malaysia’s priority sectors to move up the value chain and continue growing. Malaysia certainly has a strong pipeline of young talent. TalentCorp and UITM are hosting this SFCF to provide exposure and attract our young Malaysian graduates to pursue and exciting career with the fast growing shared services sector. We certainly believe it is a win-win proposition – through a career in shared services, our young graduates will enjoy an international experience from right here in Malaysia and at the same time, our graduates can play their part in contributing to the success of the industry and Malaysia’s transformation.”

Before we move on to highlight what the events is more on about, let’s look on what happen around the fair at UITM.

Did I miss something?? Yes! There is also a dialog session on the two day event that included Career Talks and Couch Corner Slot.
For young generations, engaging with prominent industry leaders as a platform for developments can be found at the career talks while for visitors, especially students, interaction with companies in a relaxed atmosphere can be found at the Couch Corner Slot.
I can said that this both platform is a golden opportunities for graduates to meet with CEOs and senior HR representatives of participating companies and you may never know that your potential can be a good platform for them to scout the talent from universities in Malaysia and even you as one of the candidates
Is this enough for you to be aware of the career opportunities around you? If it not, wait until you hear the awareness that they, TalentCorp has been promoting around the Malaysian universities such as one I studied before, in Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus.
Also, don’t miss the chance to join their attractive programmes such as the industrial bootcamps indoor and outdoor. You sure enjoy the times and also improve your talents there!
So what are you waiting for??
Head on to the link below to know more and explore more and you might never know, the next CEOs might carved in your name on the door.

This is a sponsored post by putra87 for http://putrakry.blogspot.com


Blogger - Engineer - Freelance Photographer

An Engineer, Lifestyle Blogger, A Freelance Photographer, Traveller, Food Hunter, and A Dad To Be.

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