Sneak Peak Of We Are 'Yong Belar'ians

by 2/08/2011 09:36:00 PM 0 Pengkritik
Alhamdulillah... Syukur ke hadrat ilahi coz berjaya akhirnya menawan puncak ke-3 G7, iaitu Gunung Yong Belar. Tinggal 4 lagi G7 untuk ditawan iaitu Chamah, Ulu Sepat, Yong Yap dan akhir sekali, Graduation of G7 di Gunung Tahan.

Suatu pendakian, suatu perjalanan n suatu keseronokan dan tak lupa juga suatu pembelajaran ketika mendaki untuk menawan Gunung Yong Belar. Both pictures credit to naim yang membawa DSLRnya naik ke puncak untuk merakamkan detik² indah d puncak Yong Belar.

Both of the above pictures are some of the previews of hiking adventure in conquering my 3rd G7 mountain, known as Gunung Yong Belar... The next post will tell the story, the journey and the new knowledge learned at Yong Belar and the trekking along the Yong Belar till the summit. A hiking adventure yet to be shared...


Blogger - Engineer - Freelance Photographer

An Engineer, Lifestyle Blogger, A Freelance Photographer, Traveller, Food Hunter, and A Dad To Be.

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