Once Upon A Day

by 1/14/2011 01:33:00 PM 0 Pengkritik
What will happen if what we read, is not similar to what we see and what we gonna say???

I suddenly across this matter during my polymer degradation lecture. The lecturer pop up this question to us  and test us if we can answer it. And eventually, i've seen this before as i watched the Clever Malaysia Edition on Astro TVIQ with my cousins and my brother. And guess what??? Wanna try this and challenge yourself???

What you should do is :

1 - Read the images above with the word stated for about 3 times.
2 - Try to read it again but this time change it according to the colour the word stated such as green instead of blue.

Easy to read or your tongue just twisted to the words stated rather the original colour on the writing itself???

Question for all of you out there... What we should do to read the colours according to its original colours rather than the colours that embedded on the words?? Do we need to change the arrangements of the words?? or do we need to change the font of the writing??? Do you know the answers???

The Answers is.... 

Change the font of the words. 

Example, for those who does not know about mandarin writing and if we change the words such as blue to a mandarin writing, we might be able to recognise the color easier and without any stopping between the words. But this also depends on the understanding of the person itself. Depending on how they understand and know how to read the writing.

To a scientific fact told by my lecturer, human brain also can degrade and sometimes can't accept the fact that color and writing must be as stated and not by changing the fact easily. It is because, once human brain already received the information as stated, it will be hard for it to changed from the information stored to channel it to a new information to be delivered.


Blogger - Engineer - Freelance Photographer

An Engineer, Lifestyle Blogger, A Freelance Photographer, Traveller, Food Hunter, and A Dad To Be.

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