Ever wonder how to search for downloaded file on internet easier with just a keyword to use??
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Tips and Tricks in searching for downloaded file on the internet using google such as rapidshare file..
Site:rapidshare.com (the basic of searching)
For searching avi file type; site:rapidshare.com avi naruto (Naruto is the keyword)
For searching mp3 file type; site:rapidshare.com mp3 naruto
Others type of file such as rar, exe n etc. can be search just by replacing the mp3 or avi with the type or format of the file that you want to search.
To search for more than 2 format of the same files, just put | between each format.
site:rapidshare.com avi|mp3|rar|exe naruto
Others file hosting also can be search such as megaupload, novaup, sendspace and etc.
Credit to buzyline.blogspot for providing the tips..