My First Advertorials Articles

by 12/08/2013 11:13:00 PM 0 Pengkritik
First of all, thank you Nuffnang for giving me the opportunity to write for a sponsored post or better known as advertorial articles

Well, i've been given task to wrote on a person, a show that until today i still keep watching it, 3R

Once hosted by 3 girls, Rafidah Abdullah, Kartini and Celina, but now it is hosted by a new girls.

Just make it short, click on the link below and just read what i have to say about Rafidah Abdullah! And it is published on Malaysia Resume guys! What an honour to have my name stated above it as the writer.

Since this is a short post, just wanna say, Nuffnang, please give me more sponsored post! Thank you! i would appreciate it although i may be late in submit it, but it was fun i would say for this opportunity.

Well, adios beautiful girls and handsome guys! C Ya in next post after a long time of Hiatus


Blogger - Engineer - Freelance Photographer

An Engineer, Lifestyle Blogger, A Freelance Photographer, Traveller, Food Hunter, and A Dad To Be.

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