Gadoh (2009) - The Review

by 6/24/2009 09:44:00 PM 0 Pengkritik
"Kamu Tau X Nape Kamu Bersikap Begini?? Ada Kamu Fikir"

Khalil (Lakonan Norman) - "Gelap.. Apa Yang Aku Lihat Hanyalah Kegelapan"
Heng (Lakonan Nicholas Liew Davis) - " Lihatlah Sekarang, Bukalah Mata"

" Aku & Kamu.. Apa Bezanya?? Warna Kulitkah?? Bahasa Pertuturankah?? Budaya?? Keturunan?? Apa?? Itukah Alasannya Untuk Kita Bermusuhan??"

"Jika Ya, Kami Rela Dibutakan Mata, Dari hidup Dalam kegelapan"

The Review

Gadoh is a 70-minute feature film that explores our perception of identity and challenges our hatred of the 'Other'..

Directed by Brenda Dankar and Namron, the movie tells a story of a group of teenagers who fought each other along racial lines; a cycle of hatred and violance further escalated by their environment and school system..

What was a quick solution to improve the school's bad image, was taken as an opportunity fo one teacher who believed that real change was possible. She ropes in the help of an old friend and reluctant maverick theather activist for this ardous task.

Is there hope admist the cycle of discrimination that surrounds us??

Watch Gadoh for their story, and what it may very well tell us about ourselves...


Blogger - Engineer - Freelance Photographer

An Engineer, Lifestyle Blogger, A Freelance Photographer, Traveller, Food Hunter, and A Dad To Be.

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